
Wellness spaces to prevent infection and stimulate healing where people need it most.

Healthcare facilities employ nearly 10% of the overall working population, and treat millions of patients per year. Hospital acquired infections cause over 90,000 deaths per year. The Wellness Habitat Company has studied these issues and designed environmental systems to control and reduce infectious diseases, viruses, and the spread of bacteria in healthcare facilities.

Hospital-acquired infections cost $9.8 billion per year

and causeĀ overĀ 90,000 deaths per year. Studies show that by implementing environmental hygeine strategies healthcare facilities can save lives, and reduce the costs associated with treatment of hospital acquired infections.

Why Wellness for Residential?

Reduce Airborne Contamination

Our medical grade filtration systems are 150x more efficient than conventional HEPA and operate at half the pressure drop of a standard HEPA filter.

Improve Rest & Relaxation

Environmental supports such as circadian lighting and aromatherapy help create a sense of calm, which can support speedy recovery.

Better Water Sanitation

From washing hands prior to surgery to washing dishes in the cafeteria, your health care system will benefit from carcinogen and bacteria free water.

Reduce Costs

Transforming your healthcare location into a wellness sanctuary saves on energy costs as well as treatment costs from hospital acquired infections.

Life Saving Results

The National Health Foundation published a study on a California partnership of 190+ hospitals who joined together to prevent hospital acquired infections and helped save 3,576 lives and an estimated $64 million in healthcare costs. Join in the healing, contact us today.

Comprehensive Healthcare Wellness Products

A comprehensive line of products for the Healthcare Industry.

Interested? Start your path to wellness.
